
For anyone who uses a controller to finger drum a live set, sometimes you want something a little more expressive than a quick sample. Something you can trigger that will run freely for a while in the background, allowing you to layer other pads on top. One method that works well for this and is not commonly employed is to trigger Dr. OctoRex to play a loop slot.

Ph: (888) 498-3242. Local: (805) 529-5085. Fax: (805) 379-2128. Mo Volans (our very own in-house Dr. Of Reasonology) takes us to the operating room and amazes us with his virtuosic knowledge of how the extraordinary new Dr. So scrub up, put on your rubber gloves and start slicing along with Mo as he shows us the Art of Sonic Surgery with this advanced new rack device: Dr.

Not to be confused with slices that represent a portion of a given loop, slots define a loop's location in Dr. OctoRex's memory. It is possible to trigger a one-shot style playback of a loop in its entirity from start to finish by sending the MIDI note D0 to the Dr. OctoRex device. But this only limits you to a single slot for playback. Using a relatively simple setup, you can expand this functionality to allow for pad triggering of all eight loop slots that responds just like any other sample.
The SuperRex Method
Using the 'SuperRex' method requires two combinators whose precise setup can be found in the attached template file, as well as some specific MIDI mappings on the drum pad controller of your choice. For those that do not have a MIDI controller at home but would like to follow along or use this patch, you still can. You just have to apply the velocity mappings shown in this tutorial to the MIDI notes you program for the SuperRex combinator's track in the sequencer.
Let's walk through how the central SuperRex combinator patch works.
The purpose of this patch in its simplest explanation is to receive the notes ranging from C1 to G1, process those notes using an instance of Kong, then use the gate signals that are generated in combination with a second gate CV and the note D0 to a second combinator for the purposes of targeting a loop slot and triggering it, respectively.
The data that are used to trigger playback on the Dr. OctoRex are generated by the 'Signal Gen' instance of Thor. The MIDIGate modbus mapping supplies the note gate signal output and a constant value of 26 -- the CV equivelant of the note D0 -- is supplied by the modbus mapping of Rotary 1.
The aggregate of the Kong gate outputs is sent directly into CV Input 1 on the programmer of the receiving combinator, where the incoming signal is assigned to control 'Keyboard > Notes to Slot' on the Dr. OctoRex device.
In this setup, the patch is only half of the story. In order to make the magic happen, you need to edit the velocity of your MIDI controller's pads. Open up your controller's editor and manually input velocity values for the eight pads you have assigned to the C1 to G1 key range. The correct velocity value for each pad is equal to the result of the following formula, where 'p' represents the pad number (0 thru 7):
p * (127 / 7) + 1 = v

Auctex Manual

This returns the following table of velocities, provided here along side their respective note assignments for easy programming in your controller editor:
Note Velocity
C 1 : 1
C#1 : 19
D 1 : 37
D#1 : 55
Octo expansion bridgetE 1 : 73
F 1 : 91
F#1 : 109

G 1 : 127

Octo Expansion

Once these assignments have been mapped on your controller, you will be able to unlock loop slot triggering on your drum pads. Because the velocity of each pad is being used to access each slot's memory address, this method is monophonic when put in practice and has a fixed velocity during performance. The expressive possibilities make up for these limitations, and modifications can be made to increase the dynamic qualities of this design.
Good luck, and happy looping!

Octo Rex Reason

JammeR Loops Trigger Module is a utility rack extension which allows you to program and trigger scenes of loops from multiple Dr.Octorex players, also known as 'decks'. A scene can be composed of any combination of loops from each of the decks. Scenes can be triggered by pressing the trigger buttons with the mouse, by MIDI notes, or by note and gate CV. Each device can have up to 8 scenes and simultaneously trigger up to 6 decks. Both the number of scenes and decks can be extended with some wiring (patches included).

New in version 2.0

  • scene edit menu with options to copy/paste/reset/fill/alter and randomize scenes
  • single slot triggering and stopping
  • more CV connections in the back to help expand the number of scenes or decks
  • remote support for popular grid controllers like the Launchpad, Ableton Push, Maschine Jam
  • refreshed GUI

JammeR is the ideal companion for jamming with rex loops both in the studio and on stage!

Please note, JammeR cannot load loops. The loops are loaded in the Dr.Octorex players hosted inside the JammeR Combi Module (included).

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